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Gems of Appreciation

Congratulations Sheridan Gill, the BHS Gem of the Month! Featured Photo

Congratulations Sheridan Gill, the BHS Gem of the Month!

BHS is proud to present Sheridan Gill with a Gem of Appreciation!!! Sheridan continuously demonstrates the qualities of a highly effective teacher. Her classroom instructional strategies engage students and student outcomes benefit. Sheridan is instrumental in the BHS LeaderinMe implementation as she serves on the Lighthouse Team and helps to lead the academic action team. She has prepared for and facilitated several teacher professional development sessions over the past years. Due to her hard work, English scores are on the rise at BHS.

Sheridan's coworkers have this to say about her: "Sheridan comes up with the best ideas for us to teach. She makes all sorts of tools for us to use in the​ classroom. The last 2 years being on her team I have become a better​ teacher getting to learn from her and using her tools. She shows SPIRT​ *​ PRIDE * & HONOR daily in our department! Everyone needs a Sheridan Gill in​ their life, and one they get to learn from daily!​"
BHS is proud to present Kimberlee “KK” McLeod with the Gem of Appreciation for March! Featured Photo

BHS is proud to present Kimberlee “KK” McLeod with the Gem of Appreciation for March!

KK is an amazing educator. She is selfless, humble, and an example of what every teacher should strive to be. Her integrity and passion are beyond measure, resulting in critical thinkers, common sense users, and a high percentage of young adults who are capable of attaining success when released into the world. Her creative lesson plans for her seniors and dual credit kids are only the tip of a magnificent iceberg. It is so evident how much her students love and respect her. We are proud to have KK at Burnet High School!

News & Announcements

HOSA at the Fall Leadership Conference Featured Photo

HOSA at the Fall Leadership Conference

This past weekend HOSA members participated at the Fall Leadership conference at McNeil High School in Round Rock, Texas. Students were able to network with other HOSA students from Area 1, practice hands-on skills in various breakout sessions and attend a college fair.
Crafting the Future