Congratulations Dani Suarez, the BHS Gem of the Month!
BHS is proud to present Dani Suarez with a Gem of Appreciation! Dani is coaching soccer, sponsoring student council, and keeping up with all the Algebra 1 tasks. She is very patient with her students and works on building relationships. She is a great teammate. Reaching back to September and October when we had staffing changes, she was willing to give up her Geometry classes and focus on Algebra, a state tested subject. She is an integral part of the Algebra 1 team, taking care of many items on the Algebra "to-do" lists. Dani is a joy, a true gem. The entire student body is blessed by her student council leadership team. Kim Myhre and the soccer athletes are blessed by her passion. Katie Hewitt and Dawn Shanks and the Algebra 1 students are blessed by her knowledge, patience, and computer skills!