National Honor Society
Membership in the National Honor Society is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. NHS has worked hard to bring the accomplishments of outstanding students to the attention of parents, teachers, peers and the community. There are rules for membership that are based upon a student’s outstanding performance in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership and character. These four criteria for selection form the foundation upon which the organization and its activities are built. Membership in the National Honor Society is based upon outstanding scholarship (90 or greater unweighted, unrounded grade average and be enrolled in at least one Honors/AP/Dual Credit class each semester), strong leadership, active in school and/or community service, and exemplary character which is recognized by the BHS staff as an honest, trustworthy, dependable person.
Selection Process - At the beginning of the 2nd Semester, any sophomores or juniors who believe they are eligible may apply for membership. These students need to check skyward for their overall cumulative semester grades for each previous high school semester in core classes (English, Math, History, and Science) as well as any foreign language classes taken. Students must be in at least one Honors/AP/Dual Credit class each semester. The unweighted, unrounded average of these classes must be a 90.0 or greater to meet the scholarship requirement to be considered; grades will be verified after applications are received. Taking into account one's grades, all candidates interested in being considered for membership will need to fill out and submit the Burnet High School NHS application. Please note that eligibility does not guarantee membership. Students who do not turn in their application by the deadline will NOT be eligible to join the NHS that current year. After the deadline has closed, the NHS advisor and the NHS Advisory Council will evaluate applications and verify grades. Students will receive a letter with the NHS Council’s decision on membership. Students selected will receive additional information regarding the induction ceremony; if a student is not selected for membership, the student will receive a letter stating the reason that membership was withheld.
Due date for the 2024 NHS Application is February 2, 2024 at 4:00pm