Rachel Bertelson » Pre-Calculus Syllabus 2023-2024

Pre-Calculus Syllabus 2023-2024


Course Syllabus


Instructor:  Rachel Bertelson

Room:  D-143  

Conference:  2nd period

Email:  [email protected]


** All rules and procedures outlined in the Student Handbook apply to this classroom, as well as the expectations and procedures that follow.

Contact Information:

Email is the best way to contact me for almost any need.  There will also be class information posted on google classroom. Every topic will have videos posted on google classroom so that students may watch them at home. My teacher webpage is located on the Burnet school website. 

Class Period

Google Class Code



Course Objective:

This course is designed to explain, in depth, the concepts necessary for the operations of Pre-Calculus. Throughout this course, problem solving and real life applications will continually be stressed and emphasized.


Course Outline:

Unit 1: Fundamental Skills

Unit 2: Functions & Their Graphs  

Unit 3: Polynomial & Rational Functions

Unit 4: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions 

Unit 5: Trigonometric Functions

Unit 6: Trigonometric Identities & Equations

Unit 7: Polar & Parametric Equations 

Unit 8: Vectors

Unit 9: Conic Sections 

Unit 10: Systems of Equations & Matrices

Unit 11: Sequences & Series

Unit 12: Intro to Calculus



I believe that asking for help when you do not understand a concept is very important in achieving success.  I will always be willing to answer any questions that may arise.  I will be available from 7:30-8:00 Tuesday through Friday and after school by appointment only. If you are unable to receive the help you need during these times, please let me know so we can make other arrangements. 

Class Rules:

  • Bring your own supplies everyday and follow all directions given.
  • Cell phones are to be turned in each day to your assigned pocket. Attendance will be taken based on your cell phone being turned in.
  • Be in your seat when the bell rings, working on the “Warmup”
  • Model respect for others by listening when others are talking, using appropriate language, and controlling your own behavior.
  • Cheating will not be tolerated. Any student caught on their phone during a test, or cheating in any way on any assignment will receive a 0 for that grade as well as detention or an office referral.


Daily Work Policy:

  • You will have daily work several times a week. This may be done in class or given as homework. This work will be graded on a completion basis as it is meant to be a learning tool and we want you to check your answers. Completion grades will fall under the minor category.
  • Homework quizzes will be given on a regular basis to check for understanding. Quizzes and tests will make up the bulk of your grade. Completing assignments without understanding of topics will not be enough to achieve a passing grade. 

Make-up Work:

Students will find make-up work for absences in a Make-Up work box located by the door in the classroom as well as posted on google classroom. Students are responsible for obtaining and completing his/her own make-up work. Students will be given 1 school day to complete make-up work for each day missed. Please ask me questions over the missed work outside of the regular class period. I do not want you to get behind in class, so if you need help please ask!! 


Grading Policy:

Students or parents may view grades online.  I will try my best to input grades into the system at least once a week so that parents and students may actively monitor the grades.  The student’s average grade will consist of daily grades, minor grades, and major grades.

**Minor grades will be 50 percent of the average.

This will consist of homework checks, daily work, warm-ups, and participation grades.

**Major Grades will make up the other 50 percent.  This will consist of test grades. 

Students have 5 days after receiving quiz & test grades to complete corrections and retakes.  Corrections are required in order to retake.


Assignments are expected to be completed by the due date. Late assignments may receive a maximum of 10 percent deducted per late day. One day is defined as one school-calendar day.  Teachers may record “zeros” as placeholders while awaiting completed latework. After the fifth day late the assignment may be recorded as a zero and the assignment will no longer be accepted.

If you decide to purchase a calculator we recommend purchasing the Ti-Nspire or Ti-84 plus from Texas Instruments. This is not required. A calculator will be provided during the school day. 


Students will be responsible for the following materials and are expected to have them in class EVERY day. If there is a problem purchasing these supplies please let me know. I also ask that students bring supplies that will be used daily around the classroom. Each student will need: 

  • REQUIRED: Pencil
  • REQUIRED: notebook paper
  • IF POSSIBLE: please bring ONE box of tissues.