From Mrs. Clinton:
Reagan is a student who stands out amongst her peers. She is a leader who serves others and their needs, is not afraid to step up when needed and is a role model for those around her. Reagan is a true example of service above self.
She is involved in several organizations on campus, a few include Student Council, NHS, a SPH Leader, very involved in athletics where she served as a leader in volleyball and soccer this year. Currently she is playing soccer and is a rockstar on the soccer field!
For those who don’t know, SPH stands for Spirit, Pride and Honor. Spirit is having the mindset to approach each day to reach your fullest potential - I don’t think Reagan has a bad day. She is always full of joy and ready to do her best. She does not settle for anything less than.
Pride is knowing that your actions and choices impact others - I think Reagan’s goal each day is to see how she can motivate and influence others in a positive way. I can personally say that she impacts me!
Honor is recognizing that you are a part of something bigger than yourself - Reagan has a true gift to see the whole picture, that her choices or the choices of others can inspire our whole community.
Reagan will be attending Angelo State University in the fall and major in accounting. I am blessed to present Reagan Shipley and the Spirit, Pride and Honor with the Rotary Student of the Month.