HOSA Students Area 1 Competition - Robyn Massey advanced to State with Vanessa Gaona as runner-up!

From Mrs. Massey:
On Friday and Saturday, February 2-3, HOSA students competed at Area 1 competition held at Sonia Sotomayor High School in San Antonio. They competed against large schools and did an amazing job. Robyn Massey advanced to State with Vanessa Gaona as runner-up!!!  I am including each student and team results below (top 3 advance to state) : 
Robyn Massey - 3rd place in Physical Therapy 
Vanessa Gaona - 4th place in Clinical Nursing 
Jaqueline Salazar - 8th place in Dental Science 
Raelin Elle Rala and Gisela Gonzalez - competed in Health Career Display

If you see these young ladies please congratulate them, they represented Burnet High school and exemplified Spirit, Pride and Honor.  I could not be more proud of the hard work and dedication that these young ladies have put in this year!!  I also want to thank Mrs. Susan Sandfer for chaperoning students at Area, we could not have made it happen without her!!