Student Athletic Trainer Olympics

Your Burnet Student Athletic Trainers competed in the Student AT Olympics held at Georgetown High School this week! While our student athletic trainers do not normally get to show off their competitive sides, this was a chance to do just that while bonding as a program, meeting other students, letting loose a little, and the chance of earning money for our program thanks to Dell’s Children Hospital. We had a night of great fun, competition, and fellowship with 23 other high school athletic training programs spanning all over central Texas.
While we didn’t place overall as a team this year, we did have a couple place in individual events! Abby Smith took 3rd in a quick reaction based blazepod challenge. And Skyler Menchaca took 1st in the ankle taping contest (the ONLY athletic training skills based event!) 
We are so proud of our kids and all their hard work and dedication they put into this program to be there and help us take the best care of each one of our student athletes! While our kids are normally content being in the background and not having the spotlight on them, they deserve all the attention today!