This past Saturday, some members of the Burnet Debate Team participated in a virtual debate tournament hosted by Salado. Each team participated in four rounds of debate and all ended the day having competed their best!
Meredith Wright competed in Lincoln-Douglas (LD) Debate for the first time in the novice division and placed 3rd, winning 3 of her rounds and 111 speaker points.
In her first appearance in the varsity LD division, Larsen Harrell faced some seasoned competitors but held her own. She placed 5th with a total of 111 speaker points and going 2-2.
Grace Gates and Hayden Brown spent the day competing in the varsity Cross-Examination (CX) Debate division. Grace and Hayden finished 4-0, placing 1st in their division with 225 speaker points!
Please congratulate these individuals for their hard work if you see them!