Senior Photos at Clear Memories

Senior Photos at Clear Memories

  • If a picture isn’t taken, the student's photo will not be in the yearbook!

  • Appointments will be scheduled every five-minutes and seniors/parents can sign-up by calling or texting 512.756.2250. Please do not use facebook messenger.

  • This appointment is for the formal photo that will be used in the yearbook and newspapers. It's free to take, if touch-ups are requested they are $8 but are not mandatory. Students need to arrive on time with a school appropriate haircut. Boys need to be clean shaven. Clothing will be provided however it helps if girls wear a tank-top style shirt and boys should wear a light-colored t-shirt.

  • The early time slots are for seniors who have early release. It is NOT an excused absence to leave school for a senior photo. Appointments go through 7:00 pm, so there should be no reason to miss school for the photo.

  • Clear Memories’ Location: 1001 S Water Street, Suite A in the Looking Good Building. Enter through the double-doors and they are to the left once inside.

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