David Trower » AP Computer Science A

AP Computer Science A

Welcome to AP Computer Science A

I'm excited to have you in my class this year.  Throughout the year during AP Computer Science A, we will learn fundamental topics in this course include the design of solutions to problems, the use of data structures to organize large sets of data, the development and implementation of algorithms to process data and discover new information, the analysis of potential solutions, and the ethical and social implications of computing systems. The course emphasizes object-oriented programming and design using the Java programming language.
All of this leads up to AP Exam.  The AP Exam is at the beginning of May during which you'll have 4 free response questions.  We will have practiced doing similar questions throughout the class so you will be well prepared.
It is my desire that you'll leave this class with a solid understanding of computer science and a desire to further explore programming and computer science that will lead to a career in STEM.

Textbook and Course Materials

In this class, we will be using Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach, 5th Edition by Stuart Reges and Marty Stepp as our primary textbook. All other resources, articles, and materials will be provided through Google Classroom, CodeHS, AP Classroom, and/or in printed form.  We will also be utilizing the CodeHS course CS AP Computer Science A as a primary supplemental in this class.  Information on how to utilize CodeHS will be provided in class and through Google Classroom.
If you haven't already, you will need to create a College Board account and then join our class on College Board.  There will be assignments and daily videos as well as AP Exam study materials available through this site.  The class code to join will be provided to you in class and on Google Classroom.


Google Classroom

We will be utilizing Google Classroom as our learning management system where I will provide all classroom material and where most assignments will be submitted (unless done through Code.org, AP Classroom, or paper based).

Access Codes

3rd & 4th Periods - wzz3fu2