Laura Krienke » Mrs. Laura Krienke

Mrs. Laura Krienke

Hello, and welcome to the 2023-2024 school year at Burnet H.S. 
My name is Laura Krienke and this is my 12th year of teaching. I graduated from Texas State University with BAAS.
This is my 7th year at BHS! I am the campus ESL Specialist. I will be serving all of the ESL Students on campus, as well as teaching ESL Study Skills classes. It is my goal to help your student better themselves in their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. This will not only help them in high school but help prepare them for their future college and/or career goals. 
                                                      Go Bulldogs and Lady Dogs!!!
Please feel free to email or call me with any questions or concerns you may have. The best way to contact me is through email, which I have provided below.
Contact Information and Schedule
Tutorials 7:30-7:50 AM daily and after school by appointment Tuesday thru Thursday 3:45-4:45 PM
1st   ESOL Study Skills
2nd  ESOL Study Skills
3rd   Conference
4th   EL Support
5th   EL Support 
6th   ESOL Study Skills
7th   ESOL Study Skills
8th   EL Support

Mrs. Krienke’s (Mrs. K) 2023-20224 ESOL Study Skills Syllabus


Conference None Please contact me by email (preferred) or phone


Tuesday - Thursday 7:45 - 8:00 

Monday - Thursday (per student/parent request) 3:50 - 4:30

The best way to contact me is through email, [email protected] 512-756-6193  


Course- ESOL Study Skills In order to build fluency skills students will be required to read from a book of their choice for 15 to 20 minutes daily in class AND for 30 minutes at home. Students will be required to come to class prepared to work on any subject in which they are struggling to understand, completing their coursework, or missing assignments. If the student does not have any work due or missing they will be required to read their book BOC and/or be given an assignment to build their skills in reading, fluency, grammar, vocabulary, punctuation, etc…

Curso: Habilidades de estudio de ESOL Para desarrollar habilidades de fluidez, los estudiantes deberán leer un libro de su elección durante 15 a 20 minutos diarios en clase Y durante 30 minutos en casa. Se requerirá que los estudiantes vengan a clase preparados para trabajar en cualquier tema en el que tengan dificultades para comprender, completar su trabajo de curso o tareas faltantes. Si el estudiante no tiene ningún trabajo pendiente o faltante, se le pedirá que lea su libro BOC y/o se le asignará una tarea para desarrollar sus habilidades en lectura, fluidez, gramática, vocabulario, puntuación, etc.



**Cell phones are not allowed without the teacher's permission, cell phones must be placed in the "parking lot" as they enter the class. They will pick their phones up after the bell as they are leaving class. Students’ phones will be picked up by the teacher and a consequence be assigned based on the High School’s Cell Phone Policy if they refuse to turn them into the designated area. If you need to reach your student in an emergency I ask that you please contact them by calling the office at 512-756-6193, and they will send a message to them in class or call their classroom. Please avoid calling/texting them during class, as this can lead to disruptions.

**Los teléfonos celulares no están permitidos sin el permiso del maestro, los teléfonos celulares deben colocarse en el cubo azul cuando ingresan a la clase. Recogerán sus teléfonos después de que suene la campana cuando salgan de clase. El maestro recogerá los teléfonos de los estudiantes y se les asignará una consecuencia según la Política de teléfonos celulares de la escuela secundaria si se niegan a entregarlos en el área designada. Si necesita comunicarse con su estudiante en una emergencia, le pido que se comunique con él llamando a la oficina al 512-756-6193 y le enviarán un mensaje en clase. Evite llamarlos o enviarles mensajes de texto durante la clase, ya que esto puede provocar interrupciones.

The district's policies can be found here

Offense Number


First Offense

Warning - Cell phone will be confiscated and held till the end of the day at which time the student can retrieve it from the AP office

Second Offense

Parent Notification - Cell phones will be confiscated and held till the end of the day at which time the parent will be notified of the situation.

Third Offense

Parent Pick Up & Fine - Cell phones will be confiscated and held till the end of the day at which time the parent will be notified and an obligation will be added to the student file of $15.

*If a problem persists with an individual student the issue will be referred to an Assistant Principal and will be handled on an individual basis. 

If you have questions or concerns regarding the cell phone policy please feel free to contact the school at 512-756-6193 to assist with your questions. 

Class requirements/supplies: Each student should come to class prepared and willing to work on the day’s assignment.  All students will be assigned a Chromebook for them to use during their time at Burnet High School. Chromebooks will be used regularly to augment learning. Students must bring the Chromebook fully charged to school every day.  Chromebooks should only be used when required by the teacher. Students should not use them during class time for things other than whatever has been assigned.

Requisitos/suministros de clase: cada estudiante debe venir a clase preparado y dispuesto a trabajar en la tarea del día. A todos los estudiantes se les asignará un Chromebook para que lo usen durante su tiempo en la Escuela Secundaria Burnet. Los Chromebooks se utilizarán regularmente para aumentar el aprendizaje. Los estudiantes deben traer el Chromebook completamente cargado a la escuela todos los días. Los Chromebook solo deben usarse cuando lo requiera el maestro. Los estudiantes no deben usarlos durante el tiempo de clase para otras cosas que no sean las asignadas.

Expectativas de Clase Espíritu Orgullo y Honor

Class Expectations Spirit Pride and Honor

Expectativas de Clase Espíritu Orgullo y Honor

  • Comply with all district and classroom rules.
  • Be in his/her seat and prepared to work when the tardy bell rings.
  • Use the restroom during the passing period, students will not be allowed to leave class during the 1st and/or last 10 minutes of each period unless it’s an emergency.
  • Maintain a clean and orderly work area and Binder.
  • Complete all of your work and turn it in on time.
  • Demonstrate respect for all.
  • Cumplir con todas las reglas del distrito y del salón de clases.
  • Estar en su asiento y preparado para trabajar cuando suene la campana de tardanza.
  • Use el baño durante el período de transición, los estudiantes no podrán salir de clase durante el 1er y/o los últimos 10 minutos de cada período a menos que sea una emergencia.
  • Mantener un área de trabajo limpia y ordenada y Binder.
  • Complete todo su trabajo y entréguelo a tiempo.
  • Demostrar respeto por todos.

  Grading Policy 

This class will follow the district's grading policy which can be found on the district webpage (link provided above) and in the student handbook. Grades will consist of Daily, Workshop, and Test Grades. If a student is failing or in danger of failing they should use the tutorial times mentioned above to get back on track.

 Política de calificaciones

Esta clase seguirá la política de calificación del distrito que se puede encontrar en la página web del distrito y en el manual del estudiante ((enlace proporcionado arriba). Las calificaciones consistirán en calificaciones diarias, de taller y de prueba. Si un estudiante está reprobando o está en peligro de reprobar, debe usar los tiempos de tutoría mencionados anteriormente para volver al buen camino.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. 

Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, por favor comuníquese conmigo.